A group of people connected to the religious group which follows Mata Amritanandamayi, also known as "Amma", or "the hugging saint" recently began a website that exists to attack those who are critical of Amma and her organization. This website may be a reminder of the inconsistencies between what the group claims to stand for and the way that they actually behave. This website focuses on individuals who have been critical of Ammachi as well as ex-devotees and those who have left the Amma group, which has been referred to as a "cult" by various critics. The website compiles information on the businesses, websites, and personal lives of the critics and ex-devotees, all of which have painstakingly collected from various sources on the Internet.
This website, called "Cult Of The Hugging Saint Exposed" appears to be run by representatives or devotees of Ammachi the Hugging Saint. The site is made up of character assassinations on those who have been critical of Ammachi as well as those who have left the group. Couldn't the time spent creating such a website have been better served in volunteering or feeding the poor?
The creation of this website which attacks the critics of Ammachi does nothing more than prove what many have been starting to realize: The "hugging saint" and those who follow her are not as peaceful and loving as they would have you believe.
Also, see this new article critical of Ammachi:
New Article Critical Of Ammachi